
Ayakoletto, From Overground Vol.6

I see the human nature.
Garbage. Leftovers that human made.
People who trample down it.Garbage wind around the body, crippled and, man who agonize, rush round trush dump.
Linger between life and death, silence and death coming by and by.
The time of regeneration breaking through themselves the plastic bag from the edge of death.
There are fierce life urge of blood and heat.
Frantic body. Strong energy coming from the urge between individual and individual.
Released body has on perfect beauty・・
Bend, pick up litter and put on them, start walking.
To continue to progress matter-of-factory having coming wild urge.

"TerritoryⅡ" wizard director Shingo Kimura do. Performers walk entirely. Kind of cursed.
He also had walked himself from his hometown, Hachinohe to Tokyo wearing down his tow shoes.
What might walking be?
Here life urge itself going through violently.
Why they want to do that move, where the urge come from and where going to.
He, seeks to look inward deeply and make it exhibit.
This is what to face "living", I feel in my bones.
Their faces struggling with themselves during hard rehearsal have no hesitation.
Energy of five people is integrated gradually and the moment exploding at a burst comes up again and again.
Energy collision, contain, repletion coming from desire of flesh and soul.
There Music provoke them superbly and create new interval.
Performers accept. Lighting is also same.
At the moment the lighting make a space on ahead, complete freshness a gap produce.

There is no forcing theatric behavior. There is just an avant-garde spirit.
Here is the challenging stage in each "Territory".
Individual and group. Illuminate and illuminated man, space, sound and movement.
New beats are born at where get over territory.
Audiences are in over their head and are devastated by the birth of rapture spreading ecstasy.
Man who crawl into plastic back winding body rolling on the trash dump, strip naked at the end.
A stillness. Synchronized stage and audiences.
There is only a sound of unsteady breath of performers and faint one of audience.
Thereto a scent make turn on audience. (This fearfully time).
Some urge make the body thresh and roll.
Body climbing up the body. Collision. Rugged men and Slight women. Complete harmony. Intensity. Show through naked body. (Red flesh in plastic bag flash through my mind) Contort and flame face sticking plastic bag with heat and damp.
raven-wet haired, stomach, crushed private part. Kicking. (My body also got hot flashes.)
Gradually from stillness to movement. Red body shoot into the highly intense limelight shine bright brilliantly in plastic bag. Very a beauty. Tear up the plastic bag slowly and go outside.
Naked soul.
No, this is Eros. What rules beauty.
White steam from the hole of plastic bag hover about swiftly and sigh heave from the seat.
Helplessly the time of regeneration. Venus?
Scattered garbage becomes vivid color and reflect on eyes.
Face expression of naked body is charged with the grandeur・・・.
I am seized with an impulse "I want to touch" it gently.
Beauty is born from what once fell into a decay,
sublimate holding heat and regenerate again. Eros at the moment.
After last curtain, there is myself definitely in captivity of beauty.

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